Thursday, August 11, 2011

Horse Sense... use it, let it!

The title, Horse Sense at Work, is two-fold:

1) USE work: The skills necessary to work with horses can also be very useful at work - whether you are managing others, or being managed.

2) LET Knowing how to deal with a horse can also help us in our everyday relationships, if we'll let it.

USE work:
The term "manage" is often thought to mean (Webster's)
1: to handle or direct with a degree of skill:
....a: as to make and keep compliant
....c: to exercise executive direction of

I'd like to submit that "manage" needs a new definition:
1: reciprocal influence:
....a: creating shared leadership in a mutually empowering context!

If you're a Manager, think of how frustrating it is to try to get your employees to do what you want them to do. If you're an employee, think of how much abuse goes on in the workplace by using the first definition above!
(more to come on that topic...)

Think of all the broken relationships around you. If you don't have any broken relationships yourself, you know of someone who does.

I intend to show how we can use what I am calling "Horse Sense" to create better relationships in our lives - with our family members, our extended family, and our community. It might even apply to politics...but I won't go there! :-)
(more to come on that topic as well...)

So stay tuned...let's see what we can learn together!...

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